[5 min read]
In 2022, Fauzi Yusoff had conducted Sustainable Design class in Sunway University. The subject consists of 85 students, both in lecture and practical classes. From conceptual to the design process, Fauzi Yusoff had implemented design thinking techniques into the subject’s element to explain how important the design process on every project.

What is Sustainable Design?
“Sustainable Design is the philosophy of designing physical objects, the built environment, and services to comply with the principles of ecological sustainability” – Wikipedia
The intention of sustainable design is to “eliminate negative environmental impact completely through skillful, sensitive design.
Manifestations of sustainable design require renewable resources and innovation to impact the environment minimally, and connect people with the natural environment.
Featured Project #1:
Below this is some part of the process from student’s work for their Sustainable Design campaign.

Fashion is a daily essential to everyone. In this generation, people want to catch up the trend and tend to consume fashion products frequently which will cause constant disposal. We are aiming to recreate fashion products that could be seen in the perspective of a brand new invention, not just fashionable but also sustainable.
The idea proposed is to encourage the fashion industry to reuse materials instead of employing new materials to fast fashion items or dispose of massive unsold products. This could be beneficial for humans and the environment in terms of lowering the cost of fashion products and lowering the risks of pollution which cause global warming issues.
Below are some part of student’s sketches from their research & development:

Sustainable fashion can significantly reduce consumption and waste. Eco-ethical brands prioritize long-lasting materials, so there will be less need to use new resources as well as it can help in reducing waste.When there is less need to use new resources and many of what we use can last longer, brands and manufacturers don’t need to produce as many items as before. When production from new resources reduces, we give a chance to the environment to heal and regenerate. This can help bring back biodiversity and conserve the environment.

The Branding Process
Fast fashion created an impulsive shopping culture and consumers asking for low-cost apparel. With sustainable fashion the consumers would not need to keep purchasing new fashion items and they could reuse their old fashion items to create a new look. The demand for designer goods and fashionable products would decrease. It could raise awareness on the impact of their purchases on the clothing industry, the economy and the environment.

NEUSUS – Recreating Life.
Neusus is a brand curated by a group of 4 creative individuals that incorporates sustainability into daily fashion. Neusus recreates fashion items by upcycling materials that are fitting to do. With the mission to recreate daily fashion items that could be seen in the perspective as a brand new invention, we aim to curate items that are fashionable yet sustainable.

Our team aims to produce tote bags by utilizing used fabrics and aluminum can caps. Items like these can be seen and found in our daily life thus it would be relatively easier for individuals to participate and execute it. It provides a good benefit for individuals too as the items are being put together to produce a unique tote bag that could benefit in a long term aspect.
Individuals could use them daily for different purposes such as work, studies, groceries, etc. We hope to promote sustainability in fashion to new heights in order to inspire more individuals and preserve the environment.

Belt made out just from aluminum can caps, strings and used belt buckles. Caps are being tied together with strings and attached to belt buckles. Definitely a piece that enhances your daily outfit.

Tote Bag Close up shots of our final look for the tote bag. Made from scrap fabrics and aluminum can caps stitched together. Suitable for daily use in any occasion. Chic and stylish. Can caps are all pieced together by connecting them by cutting off the edges of one another and sewed or glued together.

Pouch Aluminum bag handle was tied together by strings and sewed onto the bag body. A petite size suitable for just going on a casual outing.
Check out more details about this project here:
Featured Project #2:
From the idea of paper collage to the upcycling arts, this artworks were made of ice cream sticks with mixture of used materials such as food packaging, shampoo bottle and aluminum cans. This project is to create awareness to reduce daily waste and to start upcycling.
Check out more details about this project here:
Featured Project #3:
Waste isn’t waste.
Beyond, an artwork inspired from the galaxy. Made from recycle materials of plastic bottles and polystyrene.
Check out more details about this project here:
The Conclusion
In every aspect of sustainable design, constant improvement and sharing of knowledge evaluation & improvement are important parts of any design process is importance in order to evaluate sustainable initiatives and improve them enough that they attain the same or better quality than existing products.
Similar to energy, materials play an essential role in sustainable design, as every designer should search for materials that can be easily recycled or for which the planet can recreate in a short amount of time. Thus designer must be involved in every process especially in the beginning of the ideation and brainstorming phases.
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